domingo, 15 de novembro de 2009


This blog is going to be evaluated in the English class, obviously this isn´t the only blog from our class. Here are the links to the another blogs:





sábado, 14 de novembro de 2009

Ice Melting, a consequence of our erratic behaviour

The ice melting is a very serious question from our days and it´s caused by the global warming, which was already mentioned in previous posts.
The ice is melting in both poles and in mountains faster than we initially thought and that represents a huge problem since this ice consists in reserves of freshwater, which is scarce and it increases the possibility of occurring floods (due to the rise of the sea level).
There are also another problems, like the disappearing of huge areas of ice, which leads to the drowning of some species, like the polar bear, that swims for a long time and for a long distance to find some place to stay and where to find food and it ends by forfeiting because all that it sees is water, miles and miles of water.


The ice melting leads to another huge problem since the ice acts like a mirror, it reflects a great part of the sun´s radiation, thus contributing to the balance of the earth´s temperature, so, if the ice melts it can´t reflect so many sun´s radiation and therefore the earth´s temperature increases, leading to the melting of more ice, it is a very serious vicious cycle.

You only have to do some minimum tasks to reduce this effect (related to the global warming) so that you and your sons, grandsons, great-grandsons, and therefore, could live in a balanced, healthy and safe world.





sexta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2009

Industrial Revolution

Since the beggining of the industrial revolution that the Earth has been harmed. From desflorestation to make paper, to destroying forests to build cities, and so on. Due to the low nowledge of the the effects of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere, that global warming evoluted so much.


Altough the growth of the industries was a good thing, it might kill peolple everyday. The revolution helped bring the world to the 21st century, and aloso helped developed medicine, but on the down side it brought alot of new diseases. Like in the movie " Erin Brokovich", people get sick from the water pollution. So in resume the industrial revolution helped, but back fired making our lifes worse.


Susana Gomes

The Keeling Curve

The Keeling curve is a graph that shows the concentration of carbon doixide in the Earth's atmosphere. It is based on measurements taken continuously at the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii under the supervision of Charles David Keeling. Keeling's measurements showed the first significant evidence of rapidly increasing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. Before Keeling's research and graph's it was thought that the carbon dioxide would vary. This increase in atmospheric CO2 is considered to be growing due to the combustion of fossil fuels, and it has been accelerating in the recent years. Since carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, this has a significant implications in global warming. Measurements of carbon dioxide concentration in ancient air bubbles trapped in polar ice show that it has historically been between 275 and 285 ppmv during the Holocene epoch (9,000 BCE onwards), but started rising sharply at the beginning of the nineteenth century.



Susana Gomes

How to prevent Global warming?

Use alternative transports
Consider investing in a hybrid or electric vehicles.
Replace all the lightbulbs in and around your home with energy-efficient fluorescents;
Clean or replace your filters monthly.
Choose energy-efficient appliances;
Wash clothes in cold water and line-dry whenever possible.
Use a low-flow showerhead;
Cut down on your garbage;buy fewer packaged materials;
Unplug electronics when they are not in use;
Run the dishwasher and clothes washer only when you have a full load;
Insulate your home better;
Buy recycled paper products and recycle as much of your waste as possible.
Bring your own reusable canvas grocery bags when grocery shopping.
Plant a tree.
Have an energy audit done on your home so you can find the trouble areas and fix them.
Use nontoxic cleaning products.
Shop locally for food;
Keep your car tuned up, and check tire pressure often to save gas.
Eat less meat and more organic foods in your diet;

Susana Gomes

Causes of global warming

Global warming is caused by:Pollution from factories, carbon dioxide from rotting trees, the burning of coal, natural gasses and fossil fuels lead to methane travelling into the Earth's atmosphere any transportation vehicles, water vapour, and many other little things.
There have been many compaigns to help prevent the growth of global warming, but unless people actually worry about this problem then there will never be any solution.

quinta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2009

Reduce the emissions of CO2.. Why?

We all know that CO2 emissions should stop, but, I don’t want to say that it’s an impossible mission but it’s very hard to do.
Let’s take the example of the cars. Cars work with petrol or diesel, both of them come from the oil, and as you know the oil comes from the inside of the Earth. It won’t take long until the world run out oil and most of the cars, if not all of them, would just stop moving – maybe it would be good for our health because people would walk more by foot or by bike – but it would cause lots of problems. So, to solve this trouble, electric cars have been made! They have two engines, an electric one and one that uses petrol or diesel, and with those two – this is the main point - the oil consumption, it wouldn’t stop, but it would decrease a lot and we would be helping our planet because it would also decrease the smokes that go to the atmosphere.
By reducing this emissions, global warming would slow down, by slowing down the global warming so would the ice melting and floods would stop and we wouldn’t have health problems like skin cancer because of the immense heat, and we wouldn’t surely have this much natural disasters on our planet.

( Source: )

Gonçalo Monteiro