quinta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2009

The Greenhouse Effect at Danger

First of all we have to define “Greenhouse effect”. The sun radiation passes through the earth´s atmosphere and most of it is absorbed by the earth´s surface. However, some of the radiation doesn´t even passes the earth´s atmosphere and it is immediately reflected back to space and another percentage of the sun´s radiation is reflected by the earth´s surface (under the form of infra-red) but only a small percentage of these infra-red go back to space and the rest of them are reflected back or absorbed by the earth´s atmosphere, thus warming it. This is the Greenhouse Effect.

(SOURCE: http://www.odec.ca/projects/2005/stro5c0/public_html/greenhouse_effect.jpg )

Why are we talking now more frequently about the Greenhouse Effect than before? The Greenhouse effect is essential for the well-functioning of our planet because it prevents Earth reaching very low temperatures.
Since the Industrial Revolution that Man has been sending gases to our atmosphere with characteristics that increase the Greenhouse Effect (like: Carbon Dioxide and Methane), this is, they help “holding” the infra-red radiation in our atmosphere. As you might now, energy is heat, and infra-red are no exception. More infra-red in our atmosphere lead to an increase of the temperature (known as global warming), leading to so many known problems: ice melting, the increase of the number of natural disasters (like the ones already mentioned in other «posts»), etc.

There are some things that are being done about this problem. Measures were established in the Kyoto Protocol, like removing CFC´s from some products (fresheners for example) and creating and implement filters in the factory´s chimneys.

Despite of these actions there is still a lot to do and each one should help saving our planet, our home.


* "POLUIÇÃO ATMOSFÉRICA, Poluição Ambiental" :



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