quinta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2009

Sea Level

Current sea level rise is due partly to global warming, which will increase sea level over the coming century and longer periods. This happens because global warming, as the name refers, is the global temperature that’s raising. If the world’s temperature is raising that will cause the ice melting in the poles, and that ice melting will increase the water that’s already in the seas, and if that happens most of the cities in, not only our country but all the countries in the world, will drown. People won’t probably die because it will happen too slowly but it will make us “pull back” and make it even more difficult to live.
This interested me because, people don’t realize, or maybe they do but they don’t give a damn because it won’t happen right now, only in the next centuries, so the problem will be to our sons, it’s our fault but they are the ones who are going to pay for our mistakes.
Floods will devastate our cities just as you can see.

( Source: http://www.cumbriafire.gov.uk/Images/Carlisle_Floods_1_tcm192-45083.JPG )

Gonçalo Monteiro

2 comentários:

  1. I agree with you Gonçalo.
    This is one of the major consequences of global warming. In a few years it will afect our humanity.

  2. Definitely sea level is something to worry everyone. One day when things get worst we we are going to see the difference and watchback our mistakes.
